Sunday, January 28, 2007

Who is the true GOAT?

So just who is the Greatest of All Time in their sport, Tiger or Roger? I have to go with Roger if only because of his remarkable win loss record. Let's face it, this guy does not lose a tournament, he's won 35 of his last 50 tournaments compared to Tiger's 16 of 56. He's lost one match in 7 Grand slams, and that one loss was in the Finals of the French Open. Either way, right now we are enjoying the two best ever in their respective sports, its something that we should enjoy while we can.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Taskforce on Racism

This past week, I attended a Taskforce on Racism, particularly as it pertains to Muslim students on University campuses. A few thoughts on it, first, the founders of the group are doing an excellent job spreading awareness on Racism issues on campus and they are to be commended. Secondly, I am so glad I go to Waterloo. As much as we like to complain, Muslims at Waterloo have it pretty good compared to other schools. We have 2 jummahs on campus, 3 prayer areas ( if you count DC), the Federation of Students funded an Islam awareness day, plus there's a separate Islam awareness week. The topper is that residence cafeterias open for suhoor every day during the month of Ramadan. The chefs and kitchen staff come at 5 in the morning to serve Muslim students in residence, which makes Waterloo probably one of the only universities to do this. Which brings me to my point, my main concern is that with all this available Muslim students may get too greedy. In the taskforce some people mentioned how it takes time to walk to the Student centre to pray, and it takes away study time. Which is a legit complaint, but at least we have a safe prayer area. Sure it takes time to walk there, but if you love Allah you'll be willing to sacrifice a bit. As well, many brought up the fact that some student fees go towards funding on campus pubs and orientation week which has alcoholic activities. Most fees are refundable so if you don't want to fund an on campus pub that's fine, but my concern is that some Muslim students criticize University policy where they sanction alcohol served events. Let's remember this is Canada, and part of the university culture is to go to parties, socialize and yes, drink alcohol. This is their right, and we shouldn't be trying to change it, Islam is supposed to be an accepting and tolerant religion and it is up to us to act like it. We should not be trying to take over the whole campus, just find a niche where we can practice our faith while not stopping others from practicing theirs. If that includes drinking than so be it. Overall, events like this are great for stimulating dialogue and hearing issues you never knew existed. till next time...